What Is a Penile Yeast Infection and What Does It Look Like?


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Oct 24, 2023

What Is a Penile Yeast Infection and What Does It Look Like?

By Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA Medically reviewed by Sevann Helo, MD No matter where

By Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA

Medically reviewed by Sevann Helo, MD

No matter where it happens, a yeast infection can be extremely itchy, uncomfortable, and inconvenient. But when one develops on your penis? It's understandable to be a little freaked out.

Yes, people with penises can get a yeast infection down there—called a penile yeast infection or penile thrush—just as people with vaginas can get a yeast infection. When the infection irritates the head or glans portion of the penis, doctors call this balanitis. If you are uncircumcised, the foreskin can become infected too.

Yeast infections on either (or both) are unpleasant, but they’re highly treatable. A penile yeast infection is also transmissible, meaning you could potentially spread it to a sexual partner if you do have one. That's why it's so important to identify if the symptoms you’re dealing with are yeast-related. Here's everything you need to know about penile yeast infections.

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Candida albicans is the most common fungus that causes a penile yeast infection (and really, any yeast infection), according to a 2017 study published in the Journal of Preventive Medicine.1 Uncircumcised people are more at risk because the foreskin creates a condition in which yeasts can grow and thrive (yes, we’ll say it—it's a moist environment). Another common fungal infection that can occur on or around the penis is jock itch, which is caused by the same fungus (tinea) that causes athlete's foot. Jock itch often leads to itchy blisters or scaly, flaky skin.

People with penises who aren't circumcised are also at risk for phimosis.2 This just means the foreskin becomes unusually tight and can't easily be pulled back, making it hard to clean thoroughly. If a person with a penis doesn't clean under their foreskin regularly with a mild soap, candida yeasts may start to make themselves a little too comfortable, potentially leading to an overgrowth that can eventually signify an infection.

While candida yeasts may live on the body, they’re usually not present in large enough amounts to cause an infection. But having certain medical conditions can increase your chances of developing a penile yeast infection or recurrent yeast infections (meaning you get yeast infections four or more times per year). That's because some conditions, like cancer, diabetes, HIV, and many others, can weaken the immune system, which can make it harder for the body to fight off infection as effectively.

A yeast infection can also take hold after you’ve taken antibiotics. Sometimes, antibiotics can kill off too much of the "good" bacteria that keep fungi from overgrowing. That's practically an invitation for yeast to take center stage.1

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Simply knowing that your penis is a place where yeast can thrive and multiply is the first step to identifying a penile yeast infection. "The most common misconception is that men don't know about yeast infections, and they don't know how to recognize the changes on their genitals to actually go see their doctor," Rena Malik, MD, assistant professor of surgery, director of female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery, and a urologist at the University of Maryland Medical System, tells SELF.

That being said, according to the Mayo Clinic, some common symptoms of a penile yeast infection can include:

If you aren't sure what's going on in your nether region, a doctor—such as your primary care doctor, a dermatologist, or a urologist—can examine the penis to determine if your symptoms point to a yeast infection. They can also take a sample of cells to test for the presence of candida or other organisms.

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While the symptoms of a penile yeast infection can be alarming because the area is so sensitive, treatment is surprisingly simple most of the time. Once you have an official diagnosis, you can usually start at your drugstore. "Yeast infections are highly treatable," Dr. Malik explains. "Usually they respond well to antifungal ointments or creams you can get over the counter, such as Lotrimin."

Look for over-the-counter (OTC) topical treatments like clotrimazole 1% (Lotrimin) or miconazole 1% (Micatin). You’ll usually apply these to the clean, dry skin of your penis and any affected areas twice daily for one to three weeks. If you know you’re allergic to these ingredients or experience a reaction after applying them, let your doctor know what's going on, since they can prescribe you nystatin cream, another antifungal medicine that works in a different way.2

However, some persistent yeast infections aren't easily wiped out by OTC treatments. In this case, a doctor may prescribe oral antifungal medications (such as fluconazole) to help fight the infection. They also could prescribe stronger topical medications or recommend combining antifungal medications with steroids—an effective anti-inflammatory medication—to reduce irritation.2

If that doesn't work, you may need to reassess your options with your doctor or consider getting a second opinion. "If you’re not responding, it's important to see a urologist to rule out other conditions that might look like a yeast infection," Dr. Malik says. This can include issues like sexually transmitted infections (STIs), chronic skin conditions like psoriasis, and, rarely, penile cancer. If your symptoms aren't resolved with treatment, it's best to see a doctor to rule this out.

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There aren't any proven home remedies for penile yeast infections, as you need antifungal medications to eradicate yeast overgrowth. So this is not the time to slather yourself in yogurt or apple cider vinegar (which may just irritate or dry out your skin further). To prevent potential complications (more on this next), it's best to see your doc for a course of meds.

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You’ll want to treat a penile yeast infection quickly because it's, well, super uncomfortable—but springing into action can also help you avoid potential complications (which are just as unpleasant). If you aren't circumcised, the foreskin can start to stick to your penis and actually become the cause of phimosis—that really tight foreskin we talked about earlier. Sometimes, you may even need surgery (this is circumcision, to be clear) to correct the phimosis.2

There are a few other penile yeast infection complications to be aware of if you’re dealing with symptoms. They are uncommon, but you’ll still want to avoid these through treatment and preventive methods (mainly cleaning your penis, including under the foreskin, regularly):

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This depends on how advanced the yeast infection is, how fast you treat it, and how well it responds to medication. If you treat the infection with over-the-counter meds, you’ll usually apply these for one to three weeks.2 Ideally, this will be enough to make the yeast infection go away for good. If that doesn't do the trick, you’ll need to see your doctor for next steps and an updated timeline. You’ll most likely need to take a single dose of oral antifungal medication, or, if symptoms are severe, two single doses, three days apart, according to the Mayo Clinic.

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Practically speaking, yes, you can pass a yeast infection to another person through vaginal, anal, or oral sex, but it's not really the same thing as an STI like gonorrhea or chlamydia. That's because everyone naturally has candida living on their bodies. With a transmitted yeast infection, though, it really comes down to how your body reacts to someone else's overgrowth of yeast, according to Planned Parenthood.

If you keep getting penile yeast infections and you aren't sure why, it may be a good idea to talk to your partner about the symptoms you’ve been experiencing. A doctor can test both you and your partner for the presence of yeast and recommend treatments to help if they confirm that you’re passing an infection back and forth (which can turn into a vicious cycle quickly when left untreated).

So, do you have to wait until the yeast infection is gone to have sex? Generally, that is the safest option, but it really depends on the underlying cause of your infection and your doctor's advice. They will likely give you the green light once your physical symptoms have gone away.

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A penile yeast infection can closely resemble other health problems, including a urinary tract infection (UTI) or various STIs, but there are a few key differences. For one, they are all caused by different things (fungus, bacteria, and viruses are all in the mix here), and so they each have varying treatments.

While a penile yeast infection will usually cause intense itching and white spots on the skin of the penis, a urinary tract infection will not. A UTI may also present with a few extra symptoms like fever and a near-constant urge to pee even if not much comes out, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

An STI may be a little more difficult to differentiate, since a number of sexually transmitted infections can cause symptoms that overlap with those of a penile yeast infection, like pain while urinating or having sex, inflamed skin, and discharge. When in doubt, see your doctor, who can perform a physical exam and order any needed testing—you’ll likely need prescribed treatment regardless of your diagnosis.

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Since hot, humid conditions encourage yeast to thrive, it's especially important to wash the penis (and foreskin, if you have it) with mild soap, especially after exercise and in the summer when the skin tends to be sweatier. Also, try to make sure the area under your foreskin is dry to halt eager yeast growth in its tracks.2 (A gentle pat down with a towel is all you need here!) Wearing breathable athletic wear may also be helpful during workouts and the warmer months, and change out of those clothes immediately after getting sweaty. It may also help to use some antifungal spray or powder on your genital area in the morning if you’re going to be outside in hot weather.

And since certain health conditions can increase your risk for a penile yeast infection, taking steps to manage your condition, such as keeping your blood sugar levels in check in the case of diabetes, is crucial for your overall health (and for trying to keep the yeast overlords at bay).

With that said, penile yeast infections can just happen sometimes. Thankfully, there are lots of effective medication options, some of which you can even get at your local pharmacy. Because complications can be even more of a pain to deal with, getting on top of treatment as quickly as possible is the best way to get your life (and penis) back to baseline.

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Penile yeast infection causes | Symptoms of a penile yeast infection | Penile yeast infection treatment | Home remedies for penile yeast infections | Penile yeast infection complications | How long does a penile yeast infection last? | Are yeast infections contagious? | Penile yeast infection versus UTI versus STI | How to prevent a penile yeast infection Stricture Fungal lesions Severe pain Paraphimosis Increased penile cancer risk Sources: Related: